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《倾斜笔刷》碉堡了 《保罗之翼》开发全靠它

"Tilt brush" bunker, the development of Paul's wings depends entirely on it.

2017-02-17 22:06:34来源: 17173

谷歌研发的《倾斜笔刷(Tilt Brush)》让玩家们可以在三维的空间中运用自己的双手绘制图画。目前VR君已经看到很多利用这款程序而绘制出的惊艳作品。甚至还有玩家利用这款程序制作出了有趣的小电影。但...

Google's Tilt Brush allows players to draw pictures with their hands in three-dimensional space. At present, VR Jun has seen many amazing works using this program. Some players even use this program to create interesting little movies. But...