新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《新天龙八部》资料片“鬼谷奇谋”特色详解


"New Denon eight" piece of information "Gui Qimou" features detailed

2016-11-15 13:29:01来源: 新浪

一、资料片“鬼谷奇谋”概述 《新天龙八部》2016年度资料片“鬼谷奇谋”11月17日开启公测,全新门派鬼谷强势登场!鬼谷一门传承千年,弟子主修纵横权谋之数,折冲樽俎之间,决胜千里之外,以一己之力左右天下大势。北宋年间时局动乱,有年轻一辈的鬼谷弟子,不甘屠龙之术无用武之地,出山现世,誓...

A piece of information, "Gui Qimou" Overview "new Denon eight" 2016 piece of information "Guiguzi Qimou" November 17th open beta, new martial GUI strong debut! GUI an inheritance for thousands of years, and the number of disciples in addition to trickery, negotiations between jueshengqianli, single handedly around the world trend. The unrest in Northern Song Dynasty, a disciple of the young generation of GUI, the dragon to no avail, from life, oath...