新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹?经典良作的共同特点


Do not experience wind and rain, how see rainbow? Classic good common characteristics

2018-01-05 00:00:00来源: 人民网

玩家们经过这近20年的锻炼也修成了火眼金睛,对游戏作品的品味也不断提高。品质成为了游戏玩家的真正追求。 游戏行业在经历了上世纪的各种纷争,如今的战火余烬持续到本世纪第一个十年结束才趋于稳定,国内外各游戏厂商经过这样一番洗礼,有真本事的存活了下来,装腔作势的则相继倒闭跑路。玩家们经过这近20年的锻炼也修成了火眼金睛,对游戏作品的品味也不断提高。品质成为了游戏玩家的真正追求。 在这个阶段早期曾涌现出了大量的游戏评测组,针对各类新上市的游戏作品进行评测,来满足玩家对游戏评判的需求。 随着信息化网络时代的发展,本身依靠杂志传播游戏评测的情况逐步走向网络,而一些游戏厂商为了对游戏产品进行营销...

Players through the nearly 20 years of exercise also produced the critical, to taste the game works also enhances unceasingly. Quality became the real pursuit of game players. Game industry in the last century of all kinds of disputes, embers of war are now continue to the end of the first decade of this century was stable, the game companies at home and abroad after such a baptism, has survived the real deal, pretentious, failure to run road. Players through the nearly 20 years of exercise also produced the critical, to taste the game works also enhances unceasingly. Quality became the real pursuit of game players. At this stage of the early evaluation group has sprung up a lot of games, games of all kinds of new works for evaluation, to meet the needs of players of the game to judge. With the development of the information network era, rely on the magazine itself spread evaluation situation gradually towards the network game, and some of the game makers to game products to marketing...