新关注 > 信息聚合 > 组图:苏青唯美雪域写真曝光 演绎梦幻林海雪原

组图:苏青唯美雪域写真曝光 演绎梦幻林海雪原

Photos: Su Qing beautiful snowy photo exposure deductive dream Linhaixueyuan

2013-12-08 18:37:38来源: 大众网

近日,女星苏青曝光一组冬日写真,裹得严严实实的林海雪原造型,在苏青清纯的气质下,展现出雪域的梦幻与唯美。写真中,苏青站在没脚的雪地里,周围都是枯了叶子的枝桠,有着林海雪原般的意境。2013年12月09日 01:40:55| 责任编辑:段敬芳| 来源:新华娱乐 近日,女星苏青曝光一组冬日...

recently, actress Su Qing expose a group of winter portrait, wrap Yanyanshishi Linhaixueyuan modelling, in Su Qing pure temperament, show the dream and beautiful snow. Portrait, Su Qing had no foot snow, all around the withered leaf branches, have Linhaixueyuan like mood. In December 9, 2013 the 01:40:55 editor: section Jingfang source: Xinhua entertainment recently, actress Su Qing expose a group of winter...