新关注 > 信息聚合 > 苏神遭禁赛2场无缘国王杯决赛 巴萨将继续上诉

苏神遭禁赛2场无缘国王杯决赛 巴萨将继续上诉

Sue god banned for two games for the king's cup final Barcelona will continue to appeal

2017-02-10 10:39:52来源: 环球网

西班牙足协竞赛委员会宣布,对巴萨前锋苏亚雷斯禁赛两场,同时撤销布斯克茨的黄牌。如此一来,苏亚雷斯就将错过对阿拉维斯的国王杯决赛,而巴萨也已经宣布将继续上诉。 苏亚雷斯的红牌动作发生在国王杯半决赛里,当时他在短短3分钟时间内,连续吃到了两张黄牌。86分钟时,苏亚雷斯背后绊倒胡安弗兰,这...

, the Spanish federation announced here competition committee for Barcelona striker suarez suspended for two games, the revocation busquets yellow at the same time. As a result, suarez will miss to Allah's king's cup final, the Barcelona has announced that it would continue to appeal. Suarez's red card actions take place in the king's cup semi-final, he was in just 3 minutes time, eat two yellow CARDS in quick succession. 86 minutes, Juan Francisco moreno fuertes behind suarez tripping, it...