新关注 > 信息聚合 > 尤文宣布埃尔纳内斯加盟华夏幸福 转会费800万欧

尤文宣布埃尔纳内斯加盟华夏幸福 转会费800万欧

Juve announced el joining in huaxia happiness transfer euro 8 million

2017-02-10 10:39:52来源: 环球网

北京时间2月10日凌晨,意大利豪门尤文图斯俱乐部官方宣布已经与中超的河北华夏幸福俱乐部就埃尔纳内斯的转会谈判达成一致。埃尔纳内斯以800万欧元的价格转会华夏幸福,转会条款中包含最高200万欧元的浮动条款。据意大利媒体的消息,埃尔纳内斯的年薪可能700万欧元。 全名安德森-埃尔纳内斯-...

Beijing time on February 10 in the morning, the Italian giants Juventus football club have officially contract with hebei huaxia happiness is el club to move in the negotiations to reach an agreement. El nath in transfer happiness of an ancient name for China, with 8 million euro price transfer terms floating clause contains up to 2 million euros. According to the Italian media, el salary in May of 7 million euros. Full name Anderson - el nath in -...