新关注 > 信息聚合 > 入境北美屡被遣返 微信竟成烫手山芋

入境北美屡被遣返 微信竟成烫手山芋

Entry in North America have repatriated micro letter repeatedly hot potato

2017-03-31 01:51:33来源: 环球网

2016年2月,数名中国人因微信表情包“太黄”、入境加拿大时遭遣返。 当时,这个消息令不少吃瓜群众着实震惊了一把:原来玩微信也是有风险的啊! 更令人意想不到的是,自那之后短短1年时间,微信,这个火遍大江南北、深受海内外华人喜爱的即时通讯工具,竟然一而再、再而三的,在诸如“遣返”“...

In February 2016, the number of Chinese people for micro expression "yellow", believed when entering Canada deported. At that time, this makes a lot of eat the melon masses really shocked a: original play WeChat is also a risk of! What is more surprising, since then within 1 year time, WeChat, the fire through the great river north and south, loved by domestic and overseas Chinese instant messaging tool, unexpectedly again and again, such as "return" "...