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好莱坞明星中国游:唐尼当皇帝 德普来算命

Hollywood star China tour: Downey emperor Depp to fortune

2014-03-28 09:38:26来源: 大众网

好莱坞明星纷纷被“忽悠”来中国 黑寡妇斯嘉丽-约翰逊和美国队长克里斯-埃文斯,在柏悦酒店的61层接受着来自亚洲各国记者轮番采访时,蜘蛛侠安德鲁-加菲尔德和他的女朋友艾玛-斯通,正骑着二八自行车游...

Hollywood stars have been "fooled" to China Black Widow Scarlett - Johnson and Captain America - Chris Evans, at the Park Hyatt's 61 layers Reporters from Asian countries to accept the interview turns, Spider-Man, Andrew - Garfield and his girlfriend Emma - Stone, was riding a bicycle tour ... twenty-eight