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Stylist twitter: touch of Titan's mission to upgrade orange

2017-02-17 20:37:09来源: 多玩游戏

2月17日军团再临蓝推汇总 Q:把所有橙装都升级到940之后,再完成“泰坦之触”的任务是不是就没啥好处了? A:没错。除了把910的橙装升到940,这些物品就没有什么用处了。 Q:能装备两件...

Of the February 17 legion blue pushed the summary Q, upgrade to 940 after all orange outfit, to fulfill the task of touch of "Titanic" is no good? A: that's right. In addition to put 910 orange rose to 940, these items are useless. Q: can equipped with two...