新关注 > 信息聚合 > HMD团队:5月底6月初将有诺基亚新机面世


HMD team: at the end of may early June there will be a nokia phone

2017-03-24 11:20:26来源: 中关村在线

实际运营诺基亚品牌的HMD团队最近宣布,它们将在全球120个国家和地区同时发布新诺基亚手机,时间点初步定在今年的第二季度。 5月底6月初将有诺基亚新机面世(图片来源gsmarena) 据HMD...

Actual operation of nokia's brand HMD team recently announced that they will be released in 120 countries and regions in the world at the same time the new nokia phones, initial time point in the second quarter of this year. At the end of may early June there will be a nokia phone available (image source gsmarena) according to the HMD...