新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北汽SUV C61X谍照 预计明年上半年上市

北汽SUV C61X谍照 预计明年上半年上市

BAIC SUV C61X spy photos of the expected sale in the first half of next year

2014-06-23 15:28:02来源: 爱卡汽车网

日前,我们从网络获得一组北汽全新SUV伪装车谍照。据悉,这款新车内部代号为C61X,预计明年上半年上市。 从外观来看,重度伪装下依然可以看到新车的前脸带有着浓厚的绅宝特征,很可能归入绅宝品牌。车身侧面设计简洁。内饰方面,新车采用深灰+哑光银色的配色布局,可以看到方向盘上带有绅宝log...

recently we from the network obtained a set of Beiqi new SUV camouflage car spy photos. It is reported that the new car inside code named C61X, is expected to market in the first half of next year. From the exterior view, severe disguise can still see the new face of a strong characteristic of the Saab, probably belong to the Saab brand. Body side design simple. Inside, the car uses dark gray + matte silver color layout, you can see the steering wheel with Saab log...

标签: SUV