新关注 > 信息聚合 > 否认“饥饿营销”乐视称将扩大产能


Denied "hunger marketing" Letv said will expand capacity

2013-11-03 16:39:41来源: 新浪

上周,彩电行业新生代企业乐视再度被推至风口浪尖。首批1万台乐视S50量产机在乐视商城开放购买,然而却出现消费者下单成功却无货的情况,被质疑“饥饿营销”、“刻意炒作”。乐视称并非“饥饿营销”,只是由于市场需求旺盛,产能略显不足,未来将加大产能供给。 乐视官方披露数据显示,本月22日12...

Last week, the new generation enterprise Letv color TV industry is pushed to the forefront again. The first batch of 10000 sets of Letv S50 production machine in open purchase Letv mall, have customers order success, however, is not available, challenged with "hunger marketing" and "hype" deliberately. Letv said is not a "hunger marketing", just as the market demand, slightly less than capacity, the future will increase supply capacity. Letv leaked official figures, this month 22, 12...