新关注 > 信息聚合 > Playground成立第二个工作室 或不再涉及赛车

Playground成立第二个工作室 或不再涉及赛车

The Playground was founded the second studio or no longer involved in the car

2017-02-10 16:46:17来源: 新浪

日前英国著名的赛车游戏开发商Playground Games宣布成立第2个工作室,用于开发新游戏。新游戏将不在开发赛车,将会开发不同类型的游戏。这意味着Playground Games将有可能会开发...

A British famous racing game developers Playground Games announced the formation of the second workshop, used to develop a new game. The new game will not develop the car, will develop different types of games. This means that the Playground Games will likely develop...