新关注 > 信息聚合 > 姜河那金素恩出任首尔环境电影节环保大使


Jiang River that Kim Soeun as Seoul Environmental Film Festival ambassadors

2014-04-25 23:06:02来源: 青岛网络电视台

姜河那、金素恩 新浪娱乐讯将于5月8日到5月15日在首尔市光化门一带进行的“首尔环境电影节”,主张通过电影思考环境与人类的共存,本次邀请到演员姜河那与金素恩,担当环保大使。 首尔环境电影节始...

Jiang River, Kim Soeun the Sina entertainment news from May 8th to May 15th in Seoul City, Gwanghwamun area of the "Seoul Environmental Film Festival", advocated by the coexistence of film on environment and human being, this invitation to actress Jiang River and the Kim Soeun, as the environmental protection ambassador. Seoul Environmental Film Festival begins...

标签: 电影