新关注 > 信息聚合 > 30万内性价比之王 进口7座SUV道奇酷威

30万内性价比之王 进口7座SUV道奇酷威

In 300000 king of cost-effective import 7 seat SUV Dodge Charger

2014-07-07 17:49:15来源: 爱卡汽车网

[XCAR 成都 资讯] 30万预算,买Mpv还是大7座SUV 伴随着《爸爸去哪儿》第二季的热播,暑期的脚步也日渐临近。看着一大波潮爸带着萌娃们去到与世隔绝的地区享受父子的天伦之乐,相信很多...

[XCAR Chengdu Information] 300000 budget, buy Mpv or large 7 seat SUV with "Daddy where to go to" the second season of the hit, the summer is approaching footsteps. Looking at a wave tide dad with adorable children go to retire to enjoy the happiness of a family union area of father and son, believe a lot of...

标签: SUV