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全新MMO《魔灵召唤》制作中 预计2018年全球上线

New MMO "summon magic spirit" in making expects 2018 global online

2017-02-10 14:25:30来源: 新浪

韩国开发商 Com2uS 宣布,公司目前正在开发以《魔灵召唤:天空之役》为基础的 MMORPG(大型多人在线角色扮演游戏)计划,届时游戏内除了有众多魔灵经典角色外,还会带入《魔灵召唤》的世界观及故事...

South Korean developers Com2uS announced that the company is currently in development in the service of the magic spirit call: the sky based MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game), within the game in addition to the classic role has many magic spirit, will be brought into the magic spirit call of world outlook and the story...