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眼见为实 《看门狗(watch doge)》次世代主机之..

Seeing is believing "watchdog" (watch Doge) time..

2014-06-01 12:42:56来源: 游侠网

育碧的坑爹大作《缩水狗》跨平台大作《看门狗》已经上市了,虽然实际画面没有先前刚曝光时那么强大,不过IGN 8.4分的好评说明本作还是值得大家一试的。《看门狗》登陆PC和新旧主机平台,如果您想购买,但...

Ubisoft's cheating "shrink" big dog cross platform masterpiece "watchdog" already on the market, although the actual picture not previously had exposure so strong, but IGN 8.4 shows the praise or worth a try. "Watchdog" landing PC and the old and the new host platform, if you want to buy, but...