新关注 > 信息聚合 > 浪潮NF5280M4支撑德邦物流数据库


Wave NF5280M4 support the German logistics database

2017-03-23 16:59:54来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】伴随着国内电商的日益火爆,尤其是双11、618等大促成为每年必备的电商狂欢节,网络购物对于物流的需求大增。作为国内主流的快递品牌,德邦快递的运单数量也随之高涨,但这同时也对德邦后...

IT168 information is accompanied by the growing popularity of domestic e-commerce, especially the double 11, 618 and other big promotion to become the necessary business carnival every year, network shopping for logistics demand is increasing. As the mainstream courier brand in China, the number of Waybill express orders is also rising, but this is also true for de bang.