新关注 > 信息聚合 > 双千兆超强无线覆盖 moto摩路由M2评测

双千兆超强无线覆盖 moto摩路由M2评测

ShuangQian trillion super wireless coverage moto routing M2 measure

2017-03-23 16:59:54来源: IT168

【IT168 评测】对于摩托罗拉这个品牌已经是无人不知无人不晓,作为通讯行业的龙头摩托罗拉当然也会在家用无线路由行业中占有一席位。最近,摩托罗拉正式发布了旗下新品器摩路由M2,摩路由M2主打高性能,...

IT168 evaluation for MOTOROLA 】 the brand is already known and as a leader in the field of communications MOTOROLA will certainly occupy a seat in the home wireless router industry. Recently, MOTOROLA officially released its new product the routing M2 and the routing M2 main high performance,...