新关注 > 信息聚合 > 香港电影节女星劈腿露底 揭女星红毯走光瞬间

香港电影节女星劈腿露底 揭女星红毯走光瞬间

Hong Kong Film Festival actress exposing splits open at the end emptied actress red carpet moments

2014-03-25 16:39:59来源: 中国青年网

名媛陈钰芸秀腿功踉跄欲倒 24日,古天乐、彭浩翔、梁咏琪、杨千嬅、任达华、惠英红等出席香港国际电影节开幕礼,而转型当动作女星的名媛陈钰芸,为展示腿功无惧穿短裙露底。

ladies JuJu Chan Xiutui reactive staggered want to fall on the 24th, Louis Koo, Pang Ho-cheung, Gigi Leung, Miriam Yeung, Simon Yam, Kara Hui, attended the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong International Film Festival, And when the action star's transformation ladies JuJu Chan for showing no fear of wearing short skirts legs, open at the end.

标签: 电影