新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吴奇隆张国荣赵薇王祖贤蒋勤勤 盘点因换角色而走..

吴奇隆张国荣赵薇王祖贤蒋勤勤 盘点因换角色而走..

Nicky Wu Leslie Cheung Zhao Wei Joey Wong Jiang Qinqin for the role of inventory and go..

2014-06-08 16:24:30来源: 新蓝网

核心提示:蒋勤勤:《还珠格格》中的香妃,《情深深雨蒙蒙》中的可云,都是琼瑶阿姨刻意为我写的……很可惜。 新片《游园惊梦》在亚洲市场受到关注,在戏中,因为与齐秦情变而再度复出的王祖贤演活了具有同性...

core tip: Jiang Qinqin: "Huanzhugege" of Xiang Fei, "romance in the rain" in the cloud, is Qiongyao aunt deliberately written for me...... It is a pity. The new film "Peony Pavilion" attention in the Asian market, in the play, because with Chyi Chin again out of the situation changed and Joey Wong wonderfully with gay...