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台湾辣妹葬乐仪队英国爆红 网友:我的葬礼也要

Taiwan babes funeral marching band burst of red British friends: my funeral should

2013-12-04 07:31:56来源: 中国新闻网

中新网12月4日电 台湾云林园榕生命礼仪社辣妹送葬乐仪队“秀娟乐团”红到英国!台媒10月报道“乐仪队女团员6分钟火辣送行”,一段6分多钟的送葬乐仪队表演影片,因网络转发引起许多人热烈讨论。英国《每日邮报》于3日晚间将这支特殊的火辣送行团刊登在首页,就连英国网友都留言称赞,堪称另类“台湾之...

BEIJING, Dec. 4 (Xinhua) Taiwan Yun Lin Yuanrong social life babes funeral ritual music instrument team "Xiujuan Orchestra" red to the UK! Taiwan media reported in October, "the marching bands hot female member 6 minutes farewell", some 6 minutes of mourners marching bands performing films, due to network forwarding cause many people lively discussion. British "Daily Mail" on the 3rd Zhezhi special evening will be published in the hot farewell group home, and even praised the British netizens message, called the alternative "Taiwan ...