新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《孤芳不自赏》总编剧张永琛:改编大IP 吃力不讨好

《孤芳不自赏》总编剧张永琛:改编大IP 吃力不讨好

The solitary fang not up total screenplay Zhang Yongchen: based on IP laboured

2017-02-09 23:47:44来源: 人民网

Angelababy 编剧张永琛 《孤芳不自赏》海报 影视圈购买IP热度不减,从去年到今年,无论大银幕还是小荧幕都是各类IP的天下。但是,IP改编是把双刃剑:一方面,热门IP本身已经积累...

Angelababy writers Zhang Yongchen "solitary fang not up posters film heat to buy IP, from last year to this year, both on the big screen and small screen is the world of all kinds of IP. However, IP adaptation is a double-edged sword: on the one hand, accumulated hot IP itself...