新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张惠妹身材爆肥走样 7个原因导致发胖

张惠妹身材爆肥走样 7个原因导致发胖

Sherry body blast fat aliasing 7 reasons lead to weight gain

2014-04-22 06:49:26来源: 大众网

原因1:爱情滋润他们为何“变形”了 张惠妹跟调酒师Sam绯闻传了两年,去年年底更是和Sam一起开了酒吧,光酒类收藏就高 达2000万。有网友就调侃,“阿妹是喝男朋友调制的甜酒发胖的吗?”经纪人则...

reason 1: love why they "deformation" Sherry with bartender Sam rumor for two years, at the end of last year is Sam together and open bars, light wine collection is as high as 20000000. Have net friend ridicule, "A-Mei is sweet to drink boyfriend modulation fat?" broker...