新关注 > 信息聚合 > 受邀时装发布会险走光 模特魏蔚从容彰显风范

受邀时装发布会险走光 模特魏蔚从容彰显风范

Invited fashion conference insurance emptied Wei Wei calm demeanor

2014-04-09 13:54:41来源: 中新山西网

中国网·滨海高新讯 日前名模魏蔚受邀参加中国国际时装周活动现场,活动中由于服饰下滑,若隐若现不时露出胸贴,险些露点走光。优雅面对现场众多媒体嘉宾到走下台去,在闻讯而来的工作人员帮助下整理好服装。在其...

Chinese network news recently supermodel Wei Yu invited to participate in the China International Fashion Week on-site activities, activity due to dress down, partly hidden and partly visible from time to time his chest paste, almost dew point go light. Elegant face numerous media guests to the scene came down, on hearing the news of the staff to help organize a good clothing. In its...