新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新加坡版"咱们结婚吧"将登央视 王传一刘子绚主演

新加坡版"咱们结婚吧"将登央视 王传一刘子绚主演

Singapore's version of "let's get married" will appear in the CCTV Kingone Wang starring Liu Zixuan

2014-01-08 15:21:17来源: 中国新闻网

《孤男寡女》海报 11日,新加坡连续剧《孤男寡女》将在央视《海外剧场》栏目与观众见面。该剧是2012年的新剧,故事由苏孝义和宋心心这对迟迟找不到结婚对象的孤男寡女展开,他们在相遇后擦出爱情火花,可是结婚的道路并不顺畅。 看点1 新加坡版《咱们结婚吧》 即将亮相央视的新加坡剧《...

"needing" poster 11, singapore drama "needing" will be in CCTV "overseas Theatre" column to meet with the audience. The play is the 2012 drama, story by Su Xiaoyi and Song Xinxin on this still cannot find the marriage of needing expansion, they are met the spark of love, but marriage is not a smooth road. Aspect 1 Singapore version of "let's get married" is about to debut the CCTV drama "in singapore...