新关注 > 信息聚合 > Makiyo吃老本度日 为治癌母欲夜店当DJ

Makiyo吃老本度日 为治癌母欲夜店当DJ

Makiyo laurels want to survive as a cancer parent club when DJ

2014-04-16 14:56:12来源: 大众网

Makiyo(左)和妈妈(右)生活开销近30万元,她为了养家和照顾母亲开始学习改行当DJ。Makiyo(右)和丁小芹(左)都因惹上纠纷,使得演艺事业受到影响,最近则一起跨足DJ领域。 Makiyo...

Makiyo (left) and her mother (right), nearly 30 million cost of living, raising a family and taking care of her mother in order to start learning diverted when DJ. Makiyo (right) and Ding Xiaoqin (left) are due to get involved in the dispute, making career affected, DJ recently branched out into the field together. Makiyo ...