新关注 > 信息聚合 > 组图:钟丽缇携爱女蕾丝礼服亮相 小萝莉送飞吻

组图:钟丽缇携爱女蕾丝礼服亮相 小萝莉送飞吻

Photos: Christy appeared to bring her daughter Lolita lace dress blowing kisses

2014-04-19 18:14:05来源: 中国青年网

近日,钟丽缇携两位爱女Jaden和Cayla出席某关爱小动物的慈善活动。母女三人身着同色系的蕾丝礼服,两个小姑娘更是精灵可爱。爱女Cayla还对着镜头送飞吻。 近日,钟丽缇携两位爱女Jaden和...

Recently, Christy carrying two daughter Jaden and Cayla care of small animals to attend a charity event. Mother and daughters dressed in the same color lace dress, two little girls is smart and adorable. Daughter Cayla also send kisses to the camera. Recently, Christy carrying two daughter Jaden and ...