新关注 > 信息聚合 > 借世界杯助兴 海信推4K电视K681、K380U

借世界杯助兴 海信推4K电视K681、K380U

The world cup to add to the fun Hisense push 4K TV K681, K380U

2014-05-21 07:29:09来源: 天极网

四年一度的世界杯不仅是球迷的节日,也是厂商促销产品的好时机,尤其对电视厂商而言,更是如此。随着4K技术的不断成熟、精进,把激情跌宕的足球赛事搬到电视的超清大屏上,成为消费者最为期待的事。 日前,海信推出了两款4K超高清电视,分别为海信K681、海信K380U系列。在显示方面,两款产品...

once in four years the world cup is not only the fans of the festival, is also a good time to manufacturers of promotional products, especially for the TV manufacturers, is even more so. With the maturity of 4K technology, sophisticated, the passion of ups and football tournament moved to TV super clear big screen, become the consumers most looking forward to things. Recently, Hisense launched two 4K ultra high definition TV, respectively, Hisense Hisense K681 K380U series. In display, the two products...