新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华为软件开发云花开青岛高新区 启动仪式举行

华为软件开发云花开青岛高新区 启动仪式举行

Huawei software development cloud flower held the opening ceremony of the Qingdao high-tech zone

2017-03-23 10:43:01来源: 半岛网

文/图 半岛全媒体记者 娄花 软件是新一代信息技术产业的灵魂,3月22日,华为公司与青岛市经信委,青岛高新区共同举办的华为青岛软件开发云大会暨软件开发云落地高新区启动仪式举行。来自北京、天津、广...

Wen/figure peninsula media reporters LouHua software is the soul of a new generation of information technology industry, on March 22, huawei company and the Qingdao letter committee, Qingdao high-tech zone hosted the Qingdao huawei cloud software development and software development of cloud to the ground launching ceremony held in the zone. From Beijing, tianjin, wide...