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Go grassroots, my spring dream

2013-02-23 04:23:54来源: 中国教育新闻网

80后人大代表、大学生村官桂千金: 多为畲乡百姓办实事办好事 图为桂千金(左一)在贵溪市樟坪畲族乡的一户贫困家庭进行家访(2月19日摄)。 今年3月,26岁的江西省贵溪市樟坪畲族乡大学生村官桂千金将作为全国人大代表参加全国两会。她这次上会提交的议案是希望政府能进一步发展当地畲族文...

80's, the student village Gui Qianjin: how is she rural people do practical things and good things for GUI daughter (left) visits in Guixi Zhang Ping Yu Zu Xiang a poor families (February 19th photo). In March this year, 26 year old Jiangxi city of Guixi Province, Zhang Ping Yu Zu Xiang student village GUI daughter will serve as a deputy to the National People's Congress to participate in the national NPC and CPPCC. This time she will submit the bill is that the government will further the development of the local nationality...