新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国科学家取得这三项大突破,将影响你未来生活!


These three breakthroughs by Chinese scientists will affect your future life.

2017-01-03 01:39:24来源: 中国新闻网

2016年,在一个个有望改变人们未来生活的领域,中国科学家从未停止追逐的脚步,取得了一次又一次的突破。 今天,就一起来了解改变未来的三大前沿科技,未来,它们很可能影响你的生活! 捕捉神秘马约拉...

In 2016, in areas where people are expected to change their lives in the future, Chinese scientists have never stopped pursuing their footsteps, and have made breakthroughs one after another. Today, we will learn about the three leading technologies that will change the future. They will affect your life in the future. Capture the mystical Mayo...