新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微信公众平台加强监管 要求用户上传手持身份证照..

微信公众平台加强监管 要求用户上传手持身份证照..

Micro-channel public platform to strengthen the regulatory requirements of handheld users to upload photos .. ID

2013-02-06 05:18:04来源: 搜狐

2月6日消息,随着微信新版本的发布,微信公众平台日前也做出调整,要求公共账号持有用户进行实名登记,甚至需上传“手持身份证照片”,以加强监管。 微信iOS 4.5版日前正式登陆App Store,该版本新增了多人实时语音聊天、发送语音可撤销、语音提醒等诸多功能,引发广泛关注。 与此...

2 May 6 news, with the release of a new version of the micro-channel, micro-channel public platform has also made adjustments, requiring the user to hold the public account real-name registration, even need to upload "photo ID card hand" in order to strengthen supervision. Micro-channel version 4.5 has officially landed iOS App Store, this version adds multiplayer real-time voice chat, send voice revocable, voice reminders, and many other functions, causing widespread concern. And this ...