新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谢霆锋刘德华罗志祥黎明 男星背后也有神秘干妈

谢霆锋刘德华罗志祥黎明 男星背后也有神秘干妈

Behind Nicholas Tse Andy Lau Show Luo actor is a mysterious dawn godmother

2014-06-06 14:34:30来源: 山东新闻网

据香港媒体报道,张柏芝已有在离婚后出个人自传的想法,出书人将是她的新任干爹有“景泰蓝大王”之称的富商陈玉书。现在让我们一起盘点一下谢霆锋刘德华等男星鲜为人知的干妈们吧。 谢霆锋干妈汪明荃 汪明...

according to Hongkong media reports, Cecilia Cheung has a personal idea after the divorce, publishers will be her new godfather "Cloisonne king" said the businessman Chen Yushu. Let us now take stock of Nicholas Tse Andy Lau and other actor little-known godmother. Nicholas Tse godmother Liza Wang Wang Ming...