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Michael ballack: bayern will soon increase investment in reinforcements

2017-02-08 21:42:31来源: 华体网

足球2月8日讯 德国足坛名宿巴拉克在接受采访时谈到了拜仁,他认为未来的拜仁很快就会愿意花费5000万欧元来购买球员。 巴拉克在接受《体育图片报》采访时表示:“随着英超联赛电视转播收入的不断增多以及...

Football on February 8 - German football legend Michael ballack talked about bayern in an interview, he thinks the future of bayern Munich, will soon be willing to spend 50 million euros to buy players. Ballack said in an interview with the sport bild: "with the increasing of the premier league television revenues and...