新关注 > 信息聚合 > 可发微薄的相机 三星智能机GC100促销中

可发微薄的相机 三星智能机GC100促销中

Can tweet camera Samsung intelligent machine GC100 promotion

2013-04-14 22:31:55来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线数码影像行情报道)三星GC110是一款搭载安卓智能操作系统的数码相机,它拥有1600万有效像素,搭载一枚21倍光变的长焦镜头,为了保证Android 4.1.2操作系统的运行,GC110采用了1.4GHz速度的四核处理器。今天笔者在市场上了解到,这款相机的促销价格是2799元...

(Zhongguancun online digital imaging market reports) Samsung GC110 is a Android operating system with intelligent digital camera, it has 16000000 effective pixels with a telephoto lens, a 21 times the light changed, in order to ensure the Android 4.1.2 operating system to run, GC110 uses a quad core processor 1.4GHz speed. Today, I learned that in the market, this model of camera's promotion price is 2799 yuan...

标签: 三星