新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郭品超柬埔寨吃重口味点心:烤蟑螂蚯蚓


Dylan Kuo Cambodia heavy and dessert flavors: grilled cockroach earthworm

2014-04-06 17:55:42来源: 新浪

郭品超游柬埔寨 郭品超柬埔寨吃重口味点心 烤蟑螂 新浪娱乐讯 台湾演员郭品超[微博],近日身处柬埔寨。昨日他在微博晒出了在柬埔寨的“点心”,让网友大呼口味太重啦、好恶心。不过郭品超则吃的不亦...

Dylan Kuo Cambodia travel Cambodia Dylan Kuo baked dessert tastes heavy and cockroaches LOS ANGELES Taiwanese actor Dylan Kuo [microblogging], recent Language Cambodia. Yesterday he microblogging drying out in Cambodia, "dessert", so users shouted it tastes too good and nausea. But Dylan Kuo then eat it not ...