新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陕西省政协委员丁晶:改善高校办学周边环境 还学..

陕西省政协委员丁晶:改善高校办学周边环境 还学..

Shaanxi province CPPCC Ding Jing: improve the surrounding environment of higher education study..

2016-01-25 08:17:08来源: 西部网

“近年来,陕西高校发展迅速,学校的基础设施和教学质量也在大幅提升,但其中很多所大学都坐落在城乡结合处,办学的周边环境日益复杂,如何改善高校办学的周边环境是我最关注的问题。”省政协委员丁晶告诉记者。 ...

"Has been developing rapidly in recent years, shaanxi universities, the school's infrastructure and teaching quality are also improved, but many universities are located in the junction between urban and rural areas, school peripheral environment increasingly complex, how to improve the surrounding environment of higher education is my most concern." CPPCC member Ding Jing told reporters. ...