新关注 > 信息聚合 > 方便自拍自带微距 富士无反X-A2评测

方便自拍自带微距 富士无反X-A2评测

Convenient self own anti X-A2 evaluation

2015-07-09 11:13:13来源: IT168

【IT168 评测】富士在CP+2015展会上发布了旗下X系列最新款入门级微单相机X-A2。在传感器方面,富士X-A2依旧采用1630万有效像素的APS-C传感器和EXR处理器II图像处理引擎,可以...

Fuji, macro [IT168 testing] Fuji in the CP+2015 exhibition released its X series the new entry-level micro camera X-A2. In the sensor, Fuji X-A2 still uses 16300000 effective pixels APS-C sensor and EXR processor II image processing engine, you can...