新关注 > 信息聚合 > 台版《灌篮高手》配音演员胡大卫病逝


Taiwan version of "slam dunk" master voice actor Hu Dawei died

2014-06-23 03:17:54来源: 中国青年网

台湾著名配音演员胡大卫 新浪娱乐讯 6月22日19点53分,北京丽音留香文化传播有限公司官方微博发布消息,称:“著名台湾配音导演、配音演员胡大卫老师,心脏病突发于2014年6月22日在上海逝世。...

Taiwan famous voice actor Hu Dawei Sina entertainment news nineteen fifty-three on June 22nd, Beijing Liyin Liuxiang Culture Communication Co., micro-blog official news release, said: "the famous teacher of Taiwan voice director, voice actor Hu Dawei, a heart attack and died in Shanghai in June 22, 2014. ...