新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘诗诗徐若瑄蔡少芬 盘点吴奇隆绯闻女友

刘诗诗徐若瑄蔡少芬 盘点吴奇隆绯闻女友

Liu Shishi Vivian Hsu Ada Choi Nicky Wu

2014-08-01 15:23:53来源: 大河网


"traversing drama startling step by step" let "fourth master" Nicky Wu and "Xi" in Liu Shishi's popularity. Exceedingly sentimental interpretation of the two people in the play moving love knows not captured so many audience tears. Although two people play ultimately not be together, but did not affect the two become the year's most Deng couple.