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康得新展示裸眼3D技术 已与华为合作

Kant's new show open hole 3 d technology has been working with huawei

2017-01-07 02:18:31来源: 手机之家

美国拉斯维加斯CES 2017上,康得新公布了涵盖手机、平板、笔记本、电视、3D拼接墙的全系列、全尺寸裸眼3D解决方案。据悉康得新手机裸眼3D解决方案已获得华为、联想的青睐,将在未来12个月内推出相...

Las Vegas CES 2017, kang newly released the cover mobile phone, tablet, notebook, TV, 3 d Mosaic wall of full series, the full size open hole 3 d solutions. Kant's new mobile phone open hole 3 d solution was known to have been won the favour of huawei, lenovo, will be launched in the next 12 months...