新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盘龙OL小张伟撞脸大张伟 MV拍摄花絮

盘龙OL小张伟撞脸大张伟 MV拍摄花絮

Panlong OL small face big hit Zhang Zhang MV Scenes

2014-04-17 06:13:23来源: 新浪

盘龙CGWR 得分 CGWR:462 位 CGWR介绍 新派3D战斗网游《盘龙OL》明星玩家 “小张伟”横空出世!为了迎接4月25日倍儿爽公测,《盘龙OL》面向全球征寻“小张伟”。在报名玩家中进行层层选拨,其中一名能歌善舞的“小张伟”脱颖而出。他将接受盛大平台全明星计划,倍儿爽公...

dragon CGWR score CGWR: 462 CGWR description new breed of 3D fighting game "dragon OL" star players "Little Zhang" turned out! In order to meet the April 25 Bel cool beta, "dragon OL" for the global Zhengxun "Little Zhang." Selection of new entry every level players, one of whom sing and dance "Little Zhang" stand out. He will receive the grand platform for the All-Star program, Bel cool public ...