新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《东方故事》新服福利攻略贴:凤凰坐骑免费送


"Oriental story" the new service welfare Raiders posted: Phoenix Mount free

2015-03-03 09:53:05来源: 电玩巴士

超人气回合制,传奇浪漫修仙经典网游《东方故事》3月6日双线新服“春暖花开”火爆预约中!预约期间除了预约一个专属自己的角色之外,还可以参加预约期间的多种福利活动,此次新服奖励加倍,除了千元点卡,还有30天凤凰坐骑,各种游戏周边大放送哦! 点击预约:http://activity.jzy...

super popular turn based, romantic Xiuxian classic online games "Oriental tales" March 6th two new clothes "spring" hot appointment booking appointments! Except during an exclusive own angle color, can also be a variety of welfare activities in the reservation period the new service, the incentive to redouble, in addition to 1000 yuan Dianka, there are 30 days of Dark Phoenix, all around the game giveaway! Click on the reservation: http://activity.jzy...