新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为了让你爱上独立游戏 任天堂开设了一档新节目

为了让你爱上独立游戏 任天堂开设了一档新节目

In order to make you fall in love with independent games, Nintendo has opened a new program.

2018-05-11 12:33:01来源: 游戏时光

对于任天堂来说,独立游戏已经成为了充实内容的关键要素。事实上,许多独立作品在 Switch 平台也有着不错的表现。在今年3月的“春季独立游戏直面会”结束时,任天堂就表示将增加此类活动的频次。今天,他们趁热打铁开设了一档名为“Indie World”的视频节目,旨在公布新情报,并分享这些独立内容的乐趣与魅力。该节目由一对像素小人主持,它们对 Switch 平台现有的作品进行了探讨,比如已经发售了的《枪、血、黑手党》和《蔚蓝山》。与此同时,你还可以集中回顾一下年内将要亮相的独立作品。5月24日《怪兽驱逐战2》6月26日《音乐方块 重制版》2018年夏季《70亿人》《Just Shapes &...

For Nintendo, independent games have become the key elements of enriching content. In fact, many independent works also have a good performance on the Switch platform. At the end of this year's March spring games, Nintendo said it would increase the frequency of such activities. Today, they hit the iron and set up a video program called "Indie World", which aims to publish new information and share the fun and charm of the independent content. The program was hosted by a pair of small pixels, which discussed existing works on the Switch platform, such as the guns, blood, mafia and blue mountains, which had been sold. At the same time, you can also focus on reviewing the independent works that will be shown in the year. "Monster expulsion War 2" June 26th "music block remake" 2018 summer "7 billion people", Just Shapes &amp... In June 26th.

标签: 游戏 任天堂