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Palm interested in science and technology Hu Bin: engine is a high Mobile Games competition

2015-04-25 17:54:50来源: 4399

4399手机游戏网北京报道。由全球移动游戏联盟主办的第四届全球移动游戏大会(GMGC2015)在国家会议中心正式拉开帷幕。来自掌趣科技的联席CEO胡斌发表了题为《引擎—下一个手游竞争高地》的演讲。对手游市场未来的竞争模式提出了自己的看法。 演讲中胡斌先生谈到了目前手游市场用户红利已经消...

4399 mobile phone games in Beijing reported. Sponsored by the global mobile gaming alliance of the fourth global mobile game Conference (GMGC2015) at the National Conference Center was officially opened. From the palm interested in science and Technology Co CEO Hu Bin published an article entitled "the engine - the next Mobile Games highland" speech competition. Put forward their views on the future of the Mobile Games market competition pattern. Speech Mr. Hu Bin talked about the current market Mobile Games user bonus has been eliminated...

标签: 手游