新关注 > 信息聚合 > 8技能毗舍童子上书,不循环怎么成全红


Eight skills which the lad letter and don't fulfill the red cycle

2017-03-31 13:31:35来源: 17173

今天小美给大家带来了一只8技能毗舍童子的打书过程,虽说没有特殊技能,但是这种宝宝打书最怕遇到循环,那今天这位老板会遇到吗? 先来看我们今天的主角8技能毗舍童子,攻资1409,防资1233,体资34...

Today the little beauty brought you a eight skills which the boy play book process, although there is no special skills, but the baby play book the most afraid of circulation, that the boss will meet today? In our today's leading role first eight skills which the lad, 1409, 1233, body (34...