新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今年高考要刷脸刷指纹双验证


This year the university entrance exam to brush a face to brush the fingerprint authentication

2016-05-12 07:27:34来源: 大河网

今年高考全面启动身份识别系统,考生需要通过指纹和人脸的两项验证。图为去年12月,佛山高考报名引进指纹录入系统,一名高三学生正在录入指纹。 南都资料图 南都讯 记者尹来 通讯员穗考宣 昨天上午,教...

This year the university entrance exam comprehensive start identification system, the candidate need two validation by fingerprint and face. The graph is in December last year, foshan fingerprint input system introduced in the college entrance examination registration, a senior three students are input fingerprint. SMW data diagram SMW reporter Yin to the correspondent guangzhou xuan Yesterday morning, teach...