新关注 > 信息聚合 > 带你详尽体验iOS9,竟然还有这功能


With your detailed experience iOS9, unexpectedly and the function

2015-09-17 16:27:07来源: DoNews

DoNews注:今天一定会有很多人在你身边嚷嚷着,升了么,你升了么,听起来还以为群娃降世呢或是全民皆官,其实啊就是苹果的最新系统开始推送了,一定有人会说,一堆连OS都不懂得人在吵吵升级,可是我为什么要懂呢,至于你需不需要升,这个版本适不适合你。为了给看官提供方便,少走弯路,于是我们在这为你选择了一篇文章,相信看过之后,你就有主意了。原标题为《 iOS 9 发布!详尽体验:每一触,都有更美妙的体验。 》 升级前的准备1)我们需要升级到 iOS 9 么?每次有新系统发布,无论新功能有多好,新界面有多漂亮,总有一些守旧的用户对新系统持有观望的态度,怕新系统不够稳定,太费电或者不适应。当然,就像每次升...

DoNews note: today some will have a lot of people around you yell, l? And you? Sounds thought group baby came into the world? Or is universal, and in fact is Apple's latest system began to push, there must be people would say, a pile of even the OS do not know people in noisy upgrade, but why should I understand it, as you need without raising, this version is suitable to you. In order to provide convenience to the reader, detours, so we in this for you choose an article, I believe after reading, you'll get an idea. Original title for the iOS 9 release! Detailed experience: each touch, have a more wonderful experience. "Before upgrading to 1) we need to upgrade to IOS 9?? every time a new release of the system, regardless of the new function is good, the new interface is beautiful, there are always some old users of the new system holding a wait and see attitude, afraid of the new system is not stable enough, too much electric charge or do not fit. And, of course, like every time l...

标签: iOS