新关注 > 信息聚合 > 无法言语的神秘,《奇迹世界SUN》刺客之道


The mystery of beyond words "miracle world SUN" the way of the assassin

2017-01-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

刺客是专门进行暗杀的职业,通过一些的专业特殊技能来完成自己的任务。刺客能够无视一切障碍强行击杀目标,而且他们的攻击通常都是一击致命的,他们的耐心也往往比其他人更强。《奇迹世界SUN》里的刺客就是一个非常神秘又强大的职业,暗影刺杀系就是这样的一个职业流派。 杀敌一千自损八百的同归战术 暗影刺杀系在《奇迹世界SUN》有一个很明显的特点是不达目的不罢休,当玩家用了暗影后能够清楚的感受到这个职业的灵魂。一系列的技能组合会给玩家带来极为震撼的感受,尤其是大招黑暗惩戒,会周围范围内的敌人进行无差别攻击,运气好的话只是受到大量的伤害而已,运气不好就是秒杀的结局,这就是一个刺客的信仰。 刺客的...

Assassin is dedicated to kill career, through some professional special skills to complete her task. The assassin is able to ignore all obstacles to kill the target, and their attack is usually fatal blow, their patience is often stronger than others. "Miracle world SUN" assassin is a very mysterious and powerful professional, shadow assassination is such a vocational school. Kill one thousand since the loss of eight hundred law tactics With shadow assassination "miracle world SUN" has an obvious characteristic is don't give up, to reach the goal after the players use the shadow can clearly feel the soul of the profession. A series of skill sets will bring players feel shock, so it is a particularly large dark retribution, indiscriminate attacks within the scope of the nearby enemies, with luck it's just a lot of damage, bad luck is the ending, seconds kill such were the beliefs of an assassin. The assassin...